Stories from my life and travels as an American immigrant in Germany!

Studying in Germany as an American

studying in Germany

Studying in Germany: the dream of every American teen and 20-something! …OK, maybe not Germany specifically; any university in Europe will do. After all, it’s free, right? Bernie said so. Well, the good news is, it is cheap. Free, though? Not exactly. Disclaimer: I’m 35 as of writing this post, and therefore An Old™. If you’re still young and full…Continue Reading

Coronavirus Lockdown: Germany VS America

coronavirus lockdown

Germany is widely believed to be one of the few countries with the Coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis under control. In contrast, the world has watched how America has handled the Coronavirus crisis and collectively cringed. Of course, not all American states have responded to the pandemic in the same way. Governor Gretchen Whitmer of my home state of Michigan has shown strong…Continue Reading

Healthcare: Germany VS America

As the world tackles the Coronavirus crisis, the healthcare systems of many countries are under higher scrutiny than ever before. Fortunately, I can’t tell you what it’s like being treated for COVID-19 in Germany. I can, however, tell you what the healthcare system in Germany is like in general; in particular, in comparison to the USA. Disclaimer: this goes without…Continue Reading

One Month Hiatus

Tuck Frump

Since moving to Germany, my goal has been to publish a post at least once per week. For the most part, I’ve been able to keep up with the goal I’ve set. However, you might have noticed that the blog has been suspiciously inactive for a few weeks now. This is because I’m currently taking the CELTA in Berlin. The course is…Continue Reading

Moving to Germany as an American

moving to Germany

So, I want to focus on the good! I really enjoyed the two weeks I spent in Germany over Christmas break in 2015 and, although I know a vacation is far different than actually living somewhere, I am looking forward to exploring the country, as well as the rest of Europe.

John Oliver in Detroit

Last Friday, Jan and I saw John Oliver perform stand-up at the Fox Theater in Detroit. To say we were both pumped would be an understatement; I bought the tickets the very first day they went on sale in July. I’ve been a fan of Oliver since his time on the Daily Show as a correspondent, and even though Jan…Continue Reading

Halloween Party 2016

Janet Snakehole Halloween Party

This past Saturday, Jan and I went to our friend Rob’s annual Halloween party. My phone didn’t agree with the lighting in most of the house, so my pictures didn’t turn out great, but I did manage to get a few that were great quality for a camera phone! …in 2010. If you check out Jan’s blog, the (much better) pictures he…Continue Reading

Life’s no Fun Without a Good Scare

Mysterium Board Game

This past Saturday, my boyfriend and I had some friends over for a “spooky” board game night to kick off the month of Halloween October, AKA the most wonderful time of the year. The main attraction of the night was Mysterium, a cooperative, vaguely Clue-like game set in a haunted mansion. The premise of the game is that you are psychics…Continue Reading