Stories from my life and travels as an American immigrant in Germany!

Learn German: Fluency in Three Years

learn German study materials

Do you want to learn German? Or, worse…do you have to learn German? I learned German in about three years. Last November, I took the TELC Deutsch C1 Hochschule exam and passed. Officially speaking (which is, incidentally, the best way to speak in Germany) I am a “proficient” or “advanced” user of the German language. If the idea of learning Mark…Continue Reading

A Visit to Post-Apocalyptic Berlin

trabant colorful Berlin

Berlin; a city that is (at least, in certain areas) post-apocalyptic in appearance even when we aren’t in the midst of a plague. Despite the pandemic, Jan and I spent a long weekend there in mid-August. The numbers weren’t great then, but they were certainly better than they are now. So, you’d be forgiven if you looked at the title and thought,…Continue Reading

Coronavirus Lockdown: Germany VS America

coronavirus lockdown

Germany is widely believed to be one of the few countries with the Coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis under control. In contrast, the world has watched how America has handled the Coronavirus crisis and collectively cringed. Of course, not all American states have responded to the pandemic in the same way. Governor Gretchen Whitmer of my home state of Michigan has shown strong…Continue Reading

Healthcare: Germany VS America

As the world tackles the Coronavirus crisis, the healthcare systems of many countries are under higher scrutiny than ever before. Fortunately, I can’t tell you what it’s like being treated for COVID-19 in Germany. I can, however, tell you what the healthcare system in Germany is like in general; in particular, in comparison to the USA. Disclaimer: this goes without…Continue Reading

Dresden, Germany: City of Rebirth

Dresden, like many cities in Germany, was rebuilt after the Second World War. Instead of being rebuilt in a more modern style, it was reconstructed with an eye on its storied past. Although the Altstadt looks, well, old, nearly all of the buildings are new. Newer, in fact, than many other reconstructed German cities, such as Nuremberg. Most of the restoration work…Continue Reading