Stories from my life and travels as an American immigrant in Germany!

Coronavirus Lockdown: Germany VS America

coronavirus lockdown

Germany is widely believed to be one of the few countries with the Coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis under control. In contrast, the world has watched how America has handled the Coronavirus crisis and collectively cringed. Of course, not all American states have responded to the pandemic in the same way. Governor Gretchen Whitmer of my home state of Michigan has shown strong…Continue Reading

Healthcare: Germany VS America

As the world tackles the Coronavirus crisis, the healthcare systems of many countries are under higher scrutiny than ever before. Fortunately, I can’t tell you what it’s like being treated for COVID-19 in Germany. I can, however, tell you what the healthcare system in Germany is like in general; in particular, in comparison to the USA. Disclaimer: this goes without…Continue Reading

A Working Class Hero

Labor Day

Labor Day has always felt like a pointless holiday to me; I have no family members in a union, and I worked in the service industry until fairly recently. Let me explain, for the few of you who have never known the “joys” of working in the service industry. That means that any Labor Day I had off was an…Continue Reading